20 JUL 2016
Diagnosing Rabbit Dental Disease
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Rabbits | Pet Care
Rabbits are continuing to be seen in increasing numbers in veterinary clinics with dental disease. The main staple of a rabbit's diet should be grass and timothy hay. Your rabbit will consume a lot of hay daily; it’s vital for digestive health. When rabbits become adults, they will be able to eat some alfalfa hay (lucerne) on occasion, but young bunnies need to stick with timothy hay. Once the rabbit has snipped off that tasty dandelion, he uses his tongue to thrust it back to his cheek teeth. These are the grinding teeth that break the harsh fiber down into short sections that can be swallowed. Obviously this is hard work for the teeth, and constant chewing on fibrous grass or hay wears the teeth down. But happily, the teeth love a challenge and just grow a bit faster. However, the opposite is not true. If the rabbit eats a low-fiber diet and wears the crowns down less quickly, those stubborn old teeth just keep on growing. Signs of Overgrown Teeth Overg.. [More] rabbitdentalshealth.jpg
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